This tutorial is to help you get oriented with vb6, for those that want to learn how to program.
1.Open Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6)
2.A prompt asks you whether you want to open an existing project, or create a new one. Since you haven't made anything yet select 'Standard EXE' under the NEW tab.
3.A form appears on screen. This form is your workspace, this is what the user will see when he opens the program.
4.Notice on the top of the screen you have the Menu Bar. File..Edit..Tools...ect. Get to know this area as tyou will be useing it an awful lot. Some common things you will be doing in the Menu Bar are:
File> Make PROGRAMNAME.exe
File> Save Project
Project> Add Component
Also on the top bar there are some handy icons, such as the floppy disk (automatically saves the project), the folder icon (opens another project), or the blue play button (runs your project).
5.On the left hand side of the screen is the toolbar. Each icon represents a unique tool. Each tool had a different function. Some common tools you will be using are the command button tool, the textbox tool, and the label tool.
6.On the lower-right hand side of the screen is the properties window. The object that selected propertie's will show up in the property window. Every object will have a 'NAME' property. Unlike most other properties, this needs to be unique. No two objects may have the same name. Each object is given a default name (Text1, Label2) but these are often very hard to remeber. Programmers, being the crafty people they are, have thought of a way to make each object's purpose easier to identify in its name.
--First three letters represent type of object
---EX. Textbox = txt. Label = lbl. Option Bar = opt. Command Button = cmd.
--The next letter is a capital.
EX. A textbox that will have a username in it could be called txtUser. A command button that initiates a login could be called cmdLogin.
Other properties you will often use are:
7. In the upper right hand corner of the screen is the project tree. It contains the current project, and all of its components and forms.
You should be pretty orientated with the layout of VB6 now. As a reminder, don't forget to name each object with a unique name, as you create them.
This tutorial was created by Calvin Hawkes
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